Thursday, March 26, 2009


Love, one of the many debatable topics, one finds getting discussed among friends, family, or with love also. Everyone has got his/ her own ideologies, concepts, fundas of love. And that's where it gets debatable. I am writing becoz I have my own beliefs of love.

Let me try to put a conceptual definition of love. Love could be defined as a feeling which is present in every living being, and being a feeling it dwells from heart. It is quite similar to other feelings like anger, jealousy, but has a different spectrum of wavelength. Being a human being, I would like to focus on love in humans.

Let's try to differentiate between a feeling and a thought. Mind deals with thoughts, unlike heart which deals with feelings. We can think about a particular entity, but we cannot make efforts to love something. Thus feelings are unwieldy by mind as it's incapable of understanding the format of feelings and same goes with love. Thus it becomes very difficult to control feelings by thoughts.

I would say all feelings lie deep buried inside our hearts. There are layers over the feelings, and can't be sensed normally because of the simple reason that we are not conscious. That's why they need an stimulus to be sensed, felt. We can say that they get aroused with an stimulus. The amount of stimulus and the degree to which they get aroused and the time for which they remain in the aroused state depends on person to person. Mind has the capability to send an stimulus to heart. We often experience such events, when someone scolds us, and our ego (which is a layer created in mind) gets hurt, and mind generates typical stimulus for the heart, which arouses the feeling anger.

As said, love is not something we can do; it happens. This goes with the above discourse.

Let's imagine that a boy meets a girl and they both fall in love. So, what happened exactly. I would say when they met something happened that acted as a stimulus and the deep buried feeling, love, got unleashed. Let's talk about what could have happened. May be they are very much physically attracted to each other. May be they were seeing each other and gradually found that they have a lot many things in common or they might had a dream image about their soul mate and they found a person matching that image. We can think of various reasons about that stimulus. But the interesting part is when we undergo feeling love, we can never realize that there was an stimulus.

So, what next. What is Love then ? I would say a feeling which obviously cannot be expressed in words, but it can be said that it's a feeling of friendliness, no hatred, equality, satisfaction. And this feeling is not bound to a particular person. When you are conscious, and you are able to sense love then you feel the same for everyone.

What does it mean when I say 'I love you' to a particular person. I would say it is the mind which binds the feeling to it's root cause. The root cause being the person who acted as a stimulus to arouse it. And that's the main reason why we say love starts diminishing after long time of being together. As it's an external stimulus, it cannot last longer. Gradually the layers start covering that feeling again. And you start feeling normal.

What is true love in context to a soul mate ? Does it exist ? I have talked enough of love and that is all I believe. But what about soul mate. What it is ? Is it a concept created by human or it does exist practically.

I don't believe in soul mates and in the stories weaved around it. But I do believe that there are some persons (not one), with whom you can mix very well. They at times complete you. They have got an attitude which you want to posses. In other words they have got those things (mentally) which you haven't got. Their wavelengths suit you. They are gratifying. And you definitely like to spend each moment of your life with such a person. That's why we want to be with such a person, to always see him/ her smiling, to always be in his/ her arms, and so on....

But I feel that it is very difficult and a great matter of luck to find even one such person in your life and moreover to be with him/ her for whole of your life.

I find myself really really lucky :)

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