Friday, December 24, 2010

Winter night thrill @ Ujjain, MP

I still remember the cold gush of wind, hitting hard at my face, and the incessant body shivers,  while Sambit and I were searching eagerly for my friend's hostel.

It was one of the coldest nights of December 2001. We had left for Bhopal by the "Indore-Bhopal Passenger" at 9 PM from Indore. Our first semester exams had finished on the previous day and we had good celebrations.

That time we were staying near Madhumilan square, close to railway station, at Gandhi Tower. That flat was the most dreaded place I have ever lived in. It was on the topmost floor, close to a dark noisy lift. The common room was big with yellow gates and warped floor and walls. The scariest sight was of the giant bargad tree poking into our flat through the window. I remember the night when I was up studying in that room and the wind swayed the tree gently with a swishing sound . The shadows of big leaves, in the backdrop of the headlight of a passing by truck, created a ghostly figure and I couldn't stop myself to leave that room.

All other rooms were a bit better than the common room. Kitchen and the balcony were pigeon's nest. Every week we had to clean their poo. Though we enjoyed our stay. Be it Abhishek Satpute's more than friendly encounters with our neighborhood girl (I don't remember her name), or Mayur Bhawsar's getting stuck in lift, or Ashish Saxena, Mayur, Sambit and I having a belt fight, I cherish all those memories.

Coming back to the trip, I and Sambit Sarkar were in that passenger. After two hours, Ujjain arrived. We were unaware that next day was some festival. Ujjain station hosted a crowd like anything and suddenly we got squeezed into a single left corner by rumbling passengers. We were terrible at the thought that we had to pass the night in that position. Our exams had gone fine, we had good celebrations, and we were in no haste to reach Bhopal. I remembered my friend Vaibhav was studying in Ujjain GEC and lived in hostel in college campus. Escaping the full night torture, we, in 5 minutes, decided to get off the train and got in an auto with the only address as - Mr. Vaibhav Mishra, Ujjain GEC, unknown hostel name, unknown room no, unknown contact no.

We had absolutely no idea of what waited ahead us. The roads were unknown and we had no idea about the location of GEC. We were wary of the way through which the auto guy was taking us. Gradually the roadside buildings and shops got scarce with big-dark roadside tress getting denser. Suddenly we found ourselves far from the main city. We timidly asked the auto guy, "how much more to go ?". He said something, but since we were all wrapped up in muffler, we didn't hear him. We were scolding ourselves opting for such a dire act. Suddenly, he hollered out, "should I drop you at the main gate ?". This was a big relief. "No", we said simultaneously, "please take us to the first year hostel". "I don't know where it is", he responded. Sambit said, "you continue through the main gate, I would show you".

We had no idea that Ujjain GEC sprawls over 300 acres of land. We were looking for a billboard with 'First Year Hostel'. We were randomly asking the auto guy to take left or right. It was already 11.45 PM and auto guy couldn't understand what we were up-to. We heard some noises out of a close by building and asked auto guy to drop us there. Taking 80 rupees, he left swiftly. We, packed in sweaters and jackets, with a bag back on our shoulders, entered the big building. Luckily we met an engg. student. "Is this the first year hostel ?", Sambit asked. "We don't have hostels year wise.", he replied promptly. "Whom are you looking for ?", he added. We described him the whole thing. He called 4-5 first year students and inquired about Vaibhav. They told us that he didn't live in college hostel, but they were sure that he lived in a close by private hostel in the college campus. We understood the way to reach that hostel and took their leave.

It was getting late, and we were desperately wishing for a cozy bed and a hot cup of tea. We followed the lonely roads, echoed with dog barks and painted with long dark shadows of dense trees, and reached an area where a billboard stood out with a name of a private hostel. But it was not that what we were looking for (I don't remember the name of the hostel now). We thought we had missed the right turn. We turned back and re tracked to the previous cross road and then took the apparent right turn.

It was now getting close to 1 o'clock and our minds were filled with all sorts of horror stories; every shadow was molding into a horror figure inside our minds. The ambiance was  perfect for a horror movie shoot. After covering a good distance we were in the middle of 6-7 small huts. It appeared as if we had reached a small village. A dog came barking at us. An old man came out and asked what did we want. We again told the story. He said there was nothing of that kind of a building close by. We again turned back and reached the same cross road.

Clock rang 2 o'clock. We understood that we were lost in middle of a deserted, large, enclosed land, which people called Ujjain GEC. Only one thought was there in our minds now - How to get out of here ? On reaching the crossroad, we took the 4th road, in a hope that it would lead us out of this horrible place. The chill of wind was spearing hard against our faces. There was no sign of any building or any animal, whom we call human, in the far distant barren lands. Needless to say - we didn't have mobile phones.

A giant iron gate ahead of us, raised our hopes. We trotted towards the gate, only to find an empty room at the gatepost. Again we resorted to a heavy dull walk. Gradually we found small buildings approaching us. Later we were surrounded by buildings. It appeared that it was college staff campus. And we were hopeful that we might get out to the main road.

It was 3 o'clock and we felt a heavy shower of luck upon us as we saw a guard smoking around the corner of a building, We approached him and again told him the whole story. He said we were close to the main gate and could get some conveyance from there. After walking for more 15 mins, we hit the college gate at the main Ujjain - Dewas road.

Close to the gate we sat on a porch. It appeared that the porch was part of a shop, that was obviously closed. We covered ourselves well in blanket and cuddled against each other. Around 4 o'clock we heard the engine of a bike approaching from right side, and we opened the mouth of our blanket den. It was police.

Again we told them the same story but this time it took us at-least 10 more mins to convince them that, yes, we did it. Finally they told us that there was a Ujjain - Bhopal bus at 5 o'clock. They asked us whether they should drop us to the bus stand. But, since, if we were that smart we wouldn't had gotten out of that train, we said, "No, thanks a lot sir ! ".

Clock rang 5, and we were by the side of the road, eagerly waiting to shoot our hand to stop the bus that could had come anytime, only to find ourselves back into the 'what-an-idiot-we-are' state. The bus didn't come. We came back to the porch and sighed with a tint of despair.

At 6 o'clock an old man came jogging. He was not wearing much warm clothes. On seeing us, he got his tongue rolled out."For how many hours you guys have been sitting like this ?", he asked compassionately. We told him the story, AGAIN. "poor child, you could have died. Collect some shrubs and let's lit a fire", he urged. We sat around the fire which gave us some warmth. He then told us that at 7.30 AM there was a bus to Dewas. He left us once he saw that we now had some warmth and hope. God bless him !

Again, we were by the side of the road, and this time bus came, and we were like we had found some treasure. In an hour we were at Dewas bus stand. We called our homes and informed that we would leave now from Indore. Sambit learnt that his elder brother had some work in Indore and was planning to come by evening. So, we parted, Sambit went BACK to Indore and I took a Indore-Bhopal bus. And yes I had some good sleep then.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (ZMM) - a rave

Last night I completed ZMM and I was speechless. I was reading this book from past 20 days and the journey was amazing.

 This book is one of the classics of philosophy. I would rather say, it's more than that. Author - Robert M Prisig, boards you on his breathtaking trip, he took in 1968, around middle-east America. He travels from Minnesota to California via Bozeman and Idaha. And then retreats to Minnesota. He is accompanied by his son Chris and friends Sylvia and John. His friends continue only up to Bozeman where, after taking a farewell from them, he and Chris go for mountain climbing. Later they ride to California to enjoy the beauty of Ocean,

Along with this ride, Robert takes a deep dive into philosophy, science and civilization. Robert discusses the past of an unknown character, Phaerdus, and beautifully explores his journey of life which took him (Phaedrus) from science graduation to a war, to India and then back to Bozeman as Professor and lastly to University of Chicago as a PHD student. The journey touches learning, reasoning, human rationale and cognition. He illustrates his ideas with the help of acts and tasks done while maintaining his motorcycle. He visits Aristotle, Plato, Socrates and Sophists. Phaedrus is possessed by his idea of 'Quality' which he finds analogous to hindu dharma and to Greek Civilization's excellence. That how he later finds peace is a wordless experience to be experienced.

If you sometimes have nagging questions in your mind, for which there is no solution, if you enjoy reasoning, if you want to experience the real Quality, then you should definitely aboard this journey...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The power of WILL

I have heard the importance of strong determination. People in Jainsim practise hard fasts to build up their will power. They do not limit this to only hunger fasts, they pratcise this with so many other things such as giving up the use of a dear thing, habit ,etc. One should not confuse will power with ego. But yes there is a hair line difference between them. I do not know how much these fasts can help a person to lift his/ her will power in the right direction so as to give the desired spiritual uplift. But one thing that seems certain is strong will power does take you close to God. How ?

One day a disciple asked a saint, "could you please tell the secret of finding peace and truth ?". "Dear disciple", saint said, "have you ever played veena ? You must have observed the artists trying hard to tune their veenas. The wire should be tightened to only that extent that generates the melodious sound - neither too harsh nor too mild. Same is the case with a human. You need to have balanced mind and heart to play the of tune of your veena - life".

Today, man's mind outweighs his heart, with man pushing more and more towards materialism. To play the music of life the balance between heart and mind needs to be established. Thus the concept of strong will power ( not ego which is a reflection of mind) comes into picture. Will power reflects the strength of your heart, Thus the more one nurtures his/ her will power, the more he/ she calms and thus comes closer to the truth and the God.

Friday, June 11, 2010

The London Trip

Following my joining in the new company, I am made to travel London on business visa for 2 weeks. 

Trip starts on 23rd May, 2010 when I fly to London by a non-stop kingfisher flight. The journey is told to be of 9 hours. Plane after taking off at 1.30 PM IST lands at 6.10 PM, London time. After getting off,  I call home informing everyone about my safe reach. I move to the underground (metro) terminal 4 station to get an Oyster card (metro card) and take train to Holborn where I have booked a hotel for stay.

After 50 mins I check-in. Hotel Citadines is actually a Apart-hotel - a hotel that has apartments too.

Following morning I decide to take the 11 no bus (a walk) to office. On my way I get to see the beautiful view of St. Paul's Cathedral. This is the most famous cathedral in London and is daily open to tourists from  8.30 AM - 4.00 PM. It hosts various religious ceremonies including marriages of VVIPs.

The whole week I try to see as many places I can as the weekend and the following week are predicted to have bad weather. First is the Tower bridge which is often confused with London bridge. I wait for roughly 2.5 hours to click it in moon-light. But couldn't as weather turns bad.

Next is the Piccadilly circus, the DDLJ one in which Mr. Amrish Puri can be seen doing the famous aao-aao. This place reminds me of the Newyork's Times Square with big neon banners. 'Ripley's Believe it or not' further lifts up the square  

Close to this is the Trafalgar square with big fountain and church.

The London eye, costing around 22 pounds, with a cycle time of 30 mins,  gives an amazing view of London.
The famous houses of parliament and the Big Ben

The week 23-29 thus ends. I spend my weekend with friend Amit and Monday on shopping. The whole week 31-4 June is not much happening. weather is also not good. Amit says, here in London, it rains 10 out of 30 days normally and 20 out of 30 days in rainy season. His wife Ashwini reminds me that I have forgotten the Palace. I visit it on Thursday which comes as a sunny day.

The Buckingham Palace
Yet I am not able to visit the Lords and Greenwich. Let's see whether I would get another chance !

I take my flight back on Friday at 9.00 PM and land here on Saturday 10.00PM IST.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The no mind

This state can be referred by many notions - self awareness, the Samadhi, super consciousness, etc, but in a layman way it refers to the time when you have no thoughts enter in your mind.

Thoughts too can be broadly categorized as macro and micro. Macro thoughts are easy to identify - just close your eyes and you can realize them. However, micro thoughts are at more depth and are not easy to realize. When one goes deep in meditation only then he/ she gets a glimpse of micro thoughts. They are more like feelings and don't have dominant words that could be interpreted as a language.

Once getting into that depth, the very first glimpse of no mind appears. And it is said that in that state only we get the taste of ourselves. What happens next ? What are it's advantages ? I have no idea as I haven't experienced it. But one thing that I know is if ever a question pops up into your mind that - who are you exactly ? what are you doing here ? Is studying, marrying, earning money, reproducing, fulfilling your desires/ dreams, are the only meanings of life ?, then the answer can be found in no mind

Friday, March 26, 2010

Basant panchmi day out

Basant Panchmi was a restricted holiday in our company, and we (me and wife Shweta) decided to take leave. The day started as a usual holiday, getting up by 11, you know a bit late in the morning.

S's dad gets up at 4 am every morning, actually every night. My mom gets up at 6. I would say very early in early morning. My dad wakes up at 7 - early morning. S's mom @ 8 am - morning.

Coming back to the holiday, we had our breakfast. As usual S wanted to stay at home, relax, watch any movie. I forced her to go out and buy a new pair of shoes for her. On the way to malls, we decided to go to Sarojni nagar market. We took the Mehrauli route to reach Delhi. We also had to do lunch. We also decided to visit ISKON temple. But before that lunch. We were eagerly looking through the windows of our i10 for a good restaurant. It was a bit foggy also. We could barely see the Qutub Minar. S asked to take let turn as  she said she remembered a good place there. It was a pointed sharp turn. After taking a right turn from the next red light we were lost. We stooped at a fuel station and quenched the thirst of i10.

After asking so many pan waalas, we finally arrived Greater kailash market. On the entry road itself there is a restuarant ...some punjabi dhaaba. The food was really good.

We then headed towards Iskon temple. It's very close to Nehru place. One should not miss the movie that they show and also the aarti that happens at 6.30 PM. Parking is not a problem at Iskon, but yes the road from Nehru place is a bit conjested.

We spend almost 2 hours at Iskon. It is a beautiful temple. Around 7.30 we headed back towards our sweet home...

Friday, January 15, 2010

Theory of Failures

In this world there are two types of people. One - who do hard work and are at the right place, at the right time and do the right thing and other one who miss on any one of the mentioned things. We can call the combination of "right" things as Luck.

Theory: I say that whenever we encounter a failure the chances of getting a subsequent failure and of getting a big success, increase equally.

So, what we get next depends on what we choose. If we tend take negative energy and thoughts from a failure, we choose another failure. But if we take positive energy and become more desperate for success, we get that.